全新BMW 4系双门轿跑车

All-new BMW 4 Series Coupe

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand


BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd.

设计方 / Design


BMW China Automotive Trading Ltd.

全新BMW 4系轿跑车以突破性的优雅造型颠覆了传统美学。其独立的设计格调和经典的轿跑车轮廓于进化中不断创新。先锋大胆的星幕进气格栅设计更是对传统的全新演绎,锋芒有目共睹。令人震撼的运动性能、灵活的动态驾驶性能,时刻在道路上释放运动激情。全新BMW 4系双门轿跑车更是完美结合了宝马百年的造车精髓和以中国客户为代表的时代需求,是创新美学、运动豪华和智能科技完美融合的价值典范。

The brand-new BMW 4 Series Coupé sets itself resolutely and elegantly beyond all existing conventions. The independent design and the classic coupé silhouette reference icons while at the same underlining its progressive character. The bold air-inlet grille design is a new interpretation of tradition. The strikingly sporty, agile and dynamic driving performance unleashes the passion on the road. It perfectly combines BMW’s century-old production excellence and market demands led by Chinese customers, which integrate innovative aesthetics, premium sportiness and intelligent connectivity into one.
