
OSIM uDiva 3

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand


OSIM International Pte. Ltd.

设计方 / Design


OSIM Design Team

拥有下载按摩程序技术与专利,为不断提升和丰富用户的体验,团队定期推出新按摩程序供新旧用户下载。每个程序都有独特的减压配方。用户还能在按摩时连接蓝牙音响播放喜欢的音乐或是搭配专属按摩程序的音乐,来场沉浸式的按摩。 通过搜集用户使用习惯和手机应用程序反馈,团队能更精准地、有针对性地开发更符合用户需求的按摩程序,赋予产品源源不绝的新鲜体验。以此产品的使用价值得到最大化,并快速推动按摩技术的发展与升级。

With the technology and patent of downloading massage programs, the team regularly launches new massage programs for new and existing users to download in order to continuously improve and enrich the user experience. Each program has a unique stress reduction solution. Users can also connect Bluetooth speakers to play their favorite music or music with an exclusive massage program during massage to have an immersive massage. By collecting users' habits and feedback from the mobile phone application programs, the team can develop more accurate and targeted massage programs that meet users' needs to give the product continuous fresh experiences, so as to maximize the use value of the product, and quickly promote the development and upgrading of massage technology.
