

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand

Wootop, China


设计方 / Design

STOMdesign, China



This product is a digital imaging system where data goes through digitalisation, and where the analogue video signals are saved, analysed and archived in the computer after sampling. Almost all medical equipment gives off a cold and sterile feel, but this design has broken with DR's traditional facade, and has consolidated the operation panel at the top of the device for ease of use and control by the user. The top handle surrounds the main operation area from three sides and has created a beautiful form, allowing the user to easily locate the position of the handle from all directions. The handle is made of bent aluminium oxidised to a light blue to correspond to the body of the device. The body of the device is white in colour, and is easily accepted by most medical personnel. The light blue decorates the product and displays an air of comfortable professionalism. The machine's supporting frame is big, offering greater stability and allows users and patients a sense of powerful support. The design satisfies aesthetic requirements in design and is also cost-efficient. At the same time, it offers a guarantee of stable operation. It is truly a product with good design, with its main consideration being to impute the human touch.
