
Fold Shelf

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand

杭州精效家具制造有限公司, 中国

设计方 / Design


In-house Design


本产品采用白腊材质,全榫卯工艺制作。色泽温润,质地柔和,凸显木材本身的质感。 整体呈纵向的线条,简洁流畅。产品采用模块化设计,由四个相同的模块组成,相邻两个模块之间可以180度旋转,形成直线或者转角,从而使架子可以以多种形态适应不同场地的使用需求,包括普通直墙面,墙角和柱子。层板之间是由通透的栅格进行分割,使之更加轻盈灵动,也可以当作空间之间的隔断使用。

Taking inspiration from the traditional Chinese folding screen, the shelf is simple and flexible. The core of this shelf lies in its flexibility, and its ability adjust to fit any wall shape. Each adjustable individual module can rotate 180 degrees, with a few quick gestures, the shelf can be folded and extended into many desired shapes to fit in and around corners, and even pillars. The partitions for the shelf are mostly wooden grids, which provide the shelf a breathable aesthetic, and can serve as a screen to divide spaces.
