
We Are All Huayao of the Yi Nationality Silk Scarf Series

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand

GREEN-KIN International Culture & Art Center, China


设计方 / Design


Yani Su, China



The product designer hails from the Yi tribe from Yunnan, and her special upbringing gave her unique insights into the "beauty" of Yunnan. She not only saw the beauty of the landscape, but also the faith of the ethnic group in its "oneness with heaven". In modern society, wanton greed tempts men into altering at will the course of nature in the human world, but the minority tribes in Yunnan insist on protecting the innocence of life; they are still in awe and fear of Nature which controls the harmony of all things, and are grateful for the inspiration for the arts and humanities bestowed by Nature. The designer wishes to reexamine people, objects and the self on this piece of land, and shares her own realisations about the meaning and value of life through the scarf.
