GoPro 移动电源

GoPro Power Bank

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand


Ugreen Group Limited

设计方 / Design


Chen Jie, Zhu Tuo, Luo Bolin

GoPro HERO系列运动相机用户常常会面临相机电池不耐用、续航时间短的问题,随身带多块电池又不方便,且容易弄混甚至丢失。为解决用户的这项使用痛点,设计了此款既可以为GoPro相机电池充电同时又可以给手机充电的便携移动电源。移动电源整体造型硬朗方正,户外感强,整体采用手感漆喷涂工艺,提取GoPro运动相机的斜纹设计元素,防滑的同时又提升了电池仓的质感。

Users often have a pain point that the camera battery is not durable and has short battery life. It is inconvenient to carry multiple batteries, and it is easy to mix them up or even lose them. Therefore, in order to solve the needs of users, GoPro creates this portable power bank that can charge the GoPro camera battery while charging the mobile phone at the same time. The overall shape of power bank is tough and square and it adopts rubber paint spraying process. The twill design elements of the GoPro motion camera are used, and the texture of the battery compartment is increased along with the anti-slip function. 
