
19°C Pen Container

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand


Hangzhou Noson Cultural Creativity Co., Ltd.

设计方 / Design



In-house Design

Wan Kun


A harmonious combination of a tray and a pen holder, 19℃ Pen Container is used for storage, placement and display. The highlighted element of “groove”, which gives the container a unique appearance, together with the decorative brass piece that resembles a bolt nut, allows for the deconstruction of the whole set into points, lines and surfaces. Through its fine and smooth surface, cool color of light gray, and highly polished brass part, the design idea of the pen container is clearly demonstrated—to create heartwarming work of art made of fair-faced concrete, to promote the development of concrete products with the power of design and to touch the hearts of those who love products made of fair-faced concrete with the significance of a low-carbon life and environmental protection.
