Levoit Core 300

Levoit Core 300

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand

Levoit Corporation

设计方 / Design

Tyler Nikitas, Lin Yang

Core 300 True HEPA空气净化器既精美又耐用,其独特的Vortexair技术、光滑的360度进气口、蜂窝状孔及三级过滤功能有效地循环和净化空气。流线外壳和圆形LED屏极具时代感。Quiet KEAP动能吸收垫和仿生减震技术让操作更宁静。Core 300的贴心设计在Levoit空气净化器系列中独树一格。

The Core 300 True HEPA Air Purifier, though beautifully designed, doesn’t compromise on performance. With its unique Vortexair Technology, sleek 360 degrees intake, and honeycomb-patterned holes, the Core 300’s three-stage filtration powerfully circulates and purifies the air. Curved edges and a circular One-Touch LED screen give the air purifier a modern finish, elegant in any setting. Users are at ease with the Core 300’s Quiet KEAP (Kinetic Energy Absorbing Pad), a bionic dampening technology that allows it to run quietly. With such thoughtful design, the Core 300 is an outstanding option even among Levoit air purifier.
