realme Buds Q

realme Buds Q

制造商 / 品牌方
Manufacturer / Brand


Realme Mobile Telecommunications (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

设计方 / Design


Realme Mobile Telecommunications (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

realme Buds Q由著名爱马仕家居设计师Jose Levy打造,以鹅卵石为灵感,赋予其全曲线设计、前所未有至美拟物化造型,佩戴舒适,符合人体工学。得益于PC+ABS 高分子复合材料及精简内部结构,单个耳机轻至3.6克,且磨砂质感的表面极具高级感。realme Buds Q为年轻消费者带来国际顶尖的潮流设计、优秀音质和出色使用体验。它更具个性的潮玩设计,与realme将潮流文化带入科技产品的潮玩设计理念不谋而合,也让耳机成为年轻人表达自我的方式。

Inspired by cobble, the renowned Hermès home designer, Jose Levy designs realme Buds Q with a full curved body and a distinctive anthropomorphic shape, which is beautiful, comfortable and ergonomic. With PC+ABS polymer composite material, streamlined internal structure, a single bud only weights 3.6g. The frosted textured surface achieves a sense of luxury. realme Buds Q brings top international trendy design, excellent sound quality and a great user experience to young consumers. Its more individualistic and stylish design is in line with realme's fashionable design philosophy of bringing trendy culture to technology products, and making the headphones a way for young people to express themselves.
